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..:: CONTENTS ::..
   Volume I, Issue II

..:: POETRY ::..

..:: PROSE ::..
..:: ART ::..
..:: REVIEWS ::..
..:: ETC ::..
   Contributor's Notes

..:: ARCHIVES ::..
   Volume I, Issue I
   Volume I, Issue II
   Volume II, Issue I
   Volume II, Issue II
   Volume III, Issue I
   Volume III, Issue II
   Volume IV, Issue I

Midnight Jade
Yung Seoul Kim


Non-sequitur living, please�
             has its uses�She noticed he
longed for applause
             in the dinner
             party insight
perfectly candied.                       
neon after-
dinner mint                   
                                       on the mating habits
of ducks�She
             let�s admit it, did
too, longed for the echo.   Lovely
                          longitudes ajut
                          after midnight.  A dark,
this cusp of luxe              amid urgent
That�s all.  Ablaze in his warmed�Hands
interrupt the speed of an amber-toned evening
ambushed.  He takes her upstairs.
                          Glassed walls
are just that. 
                          Glassed once, glassed twice, glassed
gone.  Go
then go�he told her.  About
             his father
             fifteen years earlier
                                        who said this
to his mother.
                                        Go then, go.
He spoke the phrase with great calm and consideration.
Mother�s name was Jade
color of deep
where every year cut
like a gem.  Both shes
remember the son�s precision. 
It dwelled. 
                          The body�s accuracy is what he trusts.
                          He entered
feral and lost
and her eyes open
on his amazed instincts

                                                   at early morning light.


//   Advance   //