Cricket Online Review is now reading submissions for Vol.  XII, No. I.


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Vol. XI, No. I
Featuring works from John M. Bennett, Glenn R. Frantz, Raymond Farr and M. Leland Oroquieta, among others [ more ]
Published: December 2015
Vol. X, No. II
Featuring works from Mark Young, hâle turhan and gökhan turhan, John M. Bennett and Alessandro Cusimano, among others [ more ]
Published: December 2014
Vol. X, No. I
Featuring works from Sheila Murphy, Travis and JenMarie Macdonald, Simon Perchik, J. D. Nelson and Zachary Scott Hamilton, among others
[ more ]
Published: August 2014
Vol. IX, No. II
Featuring works from Thomas Fink, Mark Young, J. D. Nelson, Changming Yuan and William Southern, among others [ more ]
Published: December 2013
Vol. IX, No. I
Featuring works from J. D. Nelson, Sheila Murphy, Spencer Selby, mIEKAL aND, John M. Bennett and Ujjal Nihil. . . [ more ]
Published: August 2013
Vol. VIII, No. II
Featuring works from John M. Bennett, Anne Gorrick, Mark Young, Spencer Selby and Rupan Malakin. . . [ more ]
Published: December 2012
Vol. VIII, No. I
Featuring works from David Harrison Horton, Glenn R. Frantz, Charles Tarlton and Marianne Villanueva. . . [ more ]
Published: June 2012
Vol. VII, No. II
Featuring works from Mark Young, Geof Huth, Nico Vassilakis, John M. Bennett, Andy June and Charles Freeland. . . [ more ]
Published: December 2011
Vol. VII, No. I
Featuring works from John M. Bennett, Joel Chace, Howie Good, Raymond Farr, Francis Raven, Travis Macdonald and Stephen Dorneman. . . [ more ]
Published: July 2011
Vol. VI, No. II
Featuring works from Kristine Ong Muslim, Howie Good, Lynn Strongin, Glenn R. Frantz and Louie Crew. . . [ more ]
Published: December 2010
Vol. VI, No. I
Featuring works from John M. Bennett, Tom Hibbard, Christopher Arigo, Travis Macdonald, Ryder Collins and gtrabbit . . . [ more ]
Published: August 2010
Vol. V, No. II
Featuring works from John M. Bennett, John Moore Williams, Atlanta Poets Group, John Biando, Steve Roggenbuck and Dolan Morgan . . . [ more ]
Published: December 2009
Vol. V, No. I
Featuring works from Andrew Topel, Richard Kostelanetz, Sarah Trott, Thierry Brunet, Geof Huth and James Sanders . . . [ more ]
Published: July 2009
Vol. IV, No. II
Featuring works from Jorge Boehringer, Travis Macdonald, Teresa K. Miller, Matt Shears and Randall Brown . . . [ more ]
Published: December 2008
Vol. IV, No. I
Featuring works from David Harrison Horton, Han Quek, James Belflower, Zachary C. Bush and Lynn Strongin . . . [ more ]
Published: June 2008
Vol. III, No. II
Featuring works from Jeremy James Thompson, Joel Chace, Spencer Selby, Dome Bulfaro, William Moor and John Pookie . . . [ more ]
Published: November 2007
Vol. III, No. I
Featuring works from David Harrison Horton, Chris Stroffolino, Ira Joel Haber, Stephen Ratcliffe, Thierry Brunet, Vernon Frazer, paul kavanagh and Sheheryar Badar Sheikh . . . [ more ]
Published: May 2007
Vol. II, No. II
Featuring works from mIEKAL aND, Noah Eli Gordon, Bill Stobb, M. Mara-Ann and Paul Silverman . . . [ more ]
Published: December 2006
Vol. II, No. I
Featuring works from Claudia Keelan, Stephanie Young, Johannes Finke, Rochelle Ratner and Douglas Cole . . . [ more ]
Published: March 2006
Vol. I, No. II
Featuring works from Charles Bernstein, kari edwards, Mark Kanak and Adam Benforado . . . [ more ]
Published: August 2005
Vol. I, No. I
Featuring works from Joanne Kyger, Christopher Arigo, David Krump, Stephen Ratcliffe and Kenneth Pobo . . . [ more ] 
Published: January 2005