Cricket Online Review - Volume VII, No. II
POETRY . . .
Jane Joritz-Nakagawa
from Blank City
Mark Young
A line from Niccolo Machiavelli
A line from Kurt Gödel
A line from Salvador Allende
A line from Yukio Mishima 
Martha Clarkson
My Mother Died and the Stretcher Didn't Fit So They Carried Her Out in a Blue Sheet: Alone in her duplex

Jill Jones

George McKim
be fork, mumless nyone of Slthe Creek
Joe Bussiere
� Preschool Christmas Crafts From Soda Bottles 2010

Richard Kostelanetz
from Unscience Fictions

Kate Thorpe
The End of an Accident

Emily Gilbert
Lovers I
Ed Steck
A reputation is at stake here
A short history
A videotape accompanying the aforementioned videotape
Iain Britton
the table
J.D. Nelson
Horse was Worse
danger math
In Lard of Neighbornoise
Now & Never
Adam Strauss
Work It
John M. Bennett
[loot plunger noc turner]
[my issued sock my tumbled phone]
[my trash thinker combed]
[rat her loc ator swimmy]
[your puzzled pig leaf]
PROSE . . .
Charles Freeland
from Albumen
Paul Kavanagh
Nate Liederbach
Boarding with Bertrand Russell
OTHER . . .
John M. Bennett
door heads b #2
door heads b #3
Geof Huth
Lecture on the Language at Hand
Andy June
Tony Rickaby
Bright Blue Wall Story
Rusted Wall Story
Two Greys Wall Story
Mark Goodwin
The Biffbullook
Eric LeMay
Annabella's The Serpentine Dance, 1896
Nico Vassilakis
iPoem Compositions 1
iPoem Compositions 2
iPoem Compositions 3
iPoem Compositions 4
iPoem Compositions 5
ETC . . .
Contributors' Notes