❑ (0:00 – 1:43) Blank content: the screen is a slightly worn and faded black. Signal is lightly nudged causing some scrambled disturbance in the feed. Sounds of a moderately empty city are mixed low under buzzing tape hiss. At approximately 0:59, an older male voice starts to softly sing a muffled lullaby in a child-like intonation. The sound is cut.
❑ (1:44 – 2:04) Initial shot: An empty movie theater. A subject walks down the left aisle, crosses the front of the theater, and meets a second subject waiting by the emergency exit. The subjects exit. At 2:01, a light faintly flashes from the left aisle. Shot stationary.
❑ (2:05 – 7:17) Footage of a police officer being suited in chemical defense riot gear. Institutional voice narrates: Operational fatigue arrangement for tele-operated drone officer engaged in chemical combat with anti-production subversive activity public disruption blockades. The following positions and commands are essential for effective tele-operated drone defenses. Remove initial headpiece. Open carrier, withdraw facepiece. Thrust chin forward, carry head harness over head. Press mask to face, center pad well down. Clear mask. Fasten carrier flap, close bottom of carrier. Adjust service mask. Remove toque and hood from carrier. Extend hand through face opening of toque, drawing toque down over hose. Place toque over hood. Adjust toque and hood over mask. Do not lay equipment on ground. Do not risk the event of anti-production subversive activity agents obtaining chemical defense riot gear.
❑ (7:18 – 7:22) In white text on black background: Jim Bell's Assassination Politics.
❑ (7:23 – 19:16) A black screen flashes to white, then to an indiscernible figure sitting in a recliner, and finally to an open field lacking structures. The field inhabits the screen. A light breeze moves through the low-cut browning grass; its color obscures into the overcast coverage. The sound is mostly silent except for a faint recording of someone constructing an object out of metal parts. The field continues to inhabit the screen: the viewer begins to notice the archaic quality of the footage. An object passes behind the camera, slightly shaking it, causing an orb to cross the lens, expand, flatten, and then stretch diagonally towards the lower corner of the frame. The camera violently shakes and goes out at 13:11, the shot returns to white text on a black background: Your privacy policy is now simplified for your convenience. Thank you. The open field once again inhabits the screen at 13:17. The open field is dark and now lacks motion. The open field continues to occupy the screen and content of the videotape until the videotape is complete at nineteen minutes and sixteen seconds.