John M. Bennett has published over 300 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials. He has published, exhibited and performed his word art worldwide in thousands of publications and venues. He was editor and publisher of Lost and Found Times (1975-2005), and is Curator of the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State University Libraries. Richard Kostelanetz has called him "the seminal American poet of my generation." His work, publications and papers are collected in several major institutions, including Washington University (St. Louis), SUNY-Buffalo, The Ohio State University, The Museum of Modern Art and other major libraries. Bennett's chapbook IJOOJI was recently released from Erg. John's "untitled" (e.g., "your puzzled pig leaf," etc.) poems published in this issue are from his new collection, The Gnat's Window (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012); this newest Bennett edition can be purchased from Lulu.
Iain Britton has poetry published widely in the U.K. and U.S. and has work forthcoming in Moloch Journal, The Department Poetry Magazine, The Missing Slate and Vanitas. The Red Ceilings Press (UK) published an e-book version of his 10 Poems earlier this year. His fifth poetry collection is forthcoming from Lapwing Publications (UK) in December.
Joe Bussiere is a scientist-poet born in Boston and living in Brooklyn. He has work published in Shampoo, Blue & Yellow Dog and lists links to more on his blog,
Martha Clarkson writes poetry and fiction. She edits the poetry of Word Riot, and has received a Pushcart nomination. Two of her stories have been named "notable" in Best American Non-Required Reading 2007 and 2009.
Charles Freeland is Professor of English at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. His book-length poem Eucalyptus is forthcoming from Otoliths. He is also the author of Eros & (Fill in the Blank) (BlazeVOX), Through the Funeral Mountains on a Burro (Otoliths), and Chilean Sea Bass is Really Just Patagonian Toothfish (Differentia Press), among others. His website is The Fossil Record.
Emily Gilbert lives, writes and teaches in Athens, Ga.
Mark Goodwin lives in Leicestershire where he works as a community poet. He has been a rock climber and mountaineer since he was fifteen. Goodwin has two collections with Shearsmans Books, entitled Else and Back of A Vast; and a third collection, Shod, was released by Nine Arches Press in 2010. His chapbook, Distance a Sudden is available from Longbarrow Press. For the last year or so, he has been making digitally produced audio poems and sharing them on SoundCloud.
Geof Huth's poetry consists of one-word poems, poems written in unintelligible scripts, poems painted onto canvas or assembled within boxes, poems spoken or sung and audio- or video-recorded during the moments of their creation, poems created within nature and left to disappear back into it, and even syntactic text separated into lines. He writes frequently about poetry, visual and otherwise, at his blog, dbqp: visualizing poetics. Each of his poetry performances attempts to use his entire body fully to examine the limitations of poetry. His latest books are ntst: the collected pwoermds of geof huth published by if p then q of England, a book of 775 one-word poems, and AUTION CAUTION, a set of found and manipulated photopoems published by Redfoxpress of Ireland
Jill Jones' most recent book is Dark Bright Doors (Wakefield Press, 2010). In 2009, she co-edited, with Michael Farrell, an anthology, Out of the Box: Contemporary Australian Gay and Lesbian Poets (Puncher and Wattmann). She lives in Adelaide.
Other selections from Jane Joritz-Nakagawa's BLANK CITY have been published or are forthcoming in Otoliths, Haven, FourW and Fieralingue Poet's Corner (100,000 poets for change) and won the 2011 Booranga Prize. Her most recent book of poems is notational (Otoliths, 2011). A broadside "blank notes" is forthcoming from Country Valley Press.
Andy June lives in Butte, Mont. His soundwork has recently appeared in Textsound and a s l o n g a s i t t a k e s.
Paul Kavanagh's books, The Killing of a Bank Manager and Iceberg, are published by Honest Publishing.
Individual entries on Richard Kostelanetz appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Reader's Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster's Dictionary of American Authors, HarperCollins Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature,, and Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. Otherwise, he survives in New York, where he was born, unemployed and thus overworked.
Eric LeMay is the author of Immortal Milk: Adventures in Cheese (Free Press, 2010) and The One in the Many (Zoo Press, 2003). He is on the creative writing faculty at Ohio University and serves as Web Editor for Alimentum and an Associate Editor for the Ohio Review. His work has appeared in The Nation, The Harvard Review, The Paris Review, Gastronomica, and Poetry Daily.
Nate Liederbach is a Ph.D. candidate in Creative Writing and English Literature at the University of Utah. Author of Doing a Bit of Bleeding, and co-editor of the anthology Of a Monstrous Child: Creative Writing Mentorships, Nate's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Mississippi Review, Permafrost, Quarterly West, Alice Blue Review, Storyglossia, Versal, Keyhole, Pindeldyboz, and more. Recently, Nate has assumed the role of Managing Editor for the Western Humanities Review.
George McKim's poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Diagram, The Dirty Napkin, BLAZEVOX2K3, Poets and Artists Magazine, Viral Cat, Tupelo Press Sappho Poetry Project, REM Magazine, Red Booth Review and others. McKim is the editor of the poetry journal Psychic Meatloaf. His artwork has been exhibited in group shows in galleries and museums and has recently been accepted for publication or is forthcoming in The Drunken Boat, Muzzle Magazine, Monarch Review, Otoliths, Portland Review Online, Viral Cat and Breadcrumb Scabs Poetry Journal.
J. D. Nelson experiments with word and sound in his subterranean laboratory. More than 1,000 of his bizarre poems and experimental texts have appeared in many small press and underground publications. He is the author of On the Toad (The Red Ceilings Press, 2011, and Red&Deadly;, 2011), Roman Meal (Ten Pages Press, 2011), Noise Difficulty Flower (Argotist Ebooks, 2010) and The Frankendelphia Experiment (Tainted Coffee Press, 2010). Visit for more information and links to his published work. His audio experiments (recorded under the name Owl Brain Atlas) are online at Nelson lives in Colorado.
Tony Rickaby has shown his conceptual works, installations and paintings throughout Europe and the U.S. He has produced animations for Drunken Boat and Locus Novus and visual poems and writings for Athregeum, Aspidistra, Cricket Online Review, 20x20, London Poetry Systems, Otoliths, Streecake, Suss and Word Riot. He lives in London.
Ed Steck is a writer from southwestern Pennsylvania. He currently lives in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Adam Strauss lives in Las Vegas. His poems have been recently published in Delirious Hem, Raft and the Parthenon West Review, and his chapbook, Perhaps A Girl Elsewhere, was recently published by Birds of Lace Press. A full-length collection of poems, For Days, is forthcoming from BlazeVox.
Kate Thorpe recently studied under a creative writing Fulbright Scholarship in Germany, where she researched and wrote on the transformations of post-industrial architecture in relationship to art. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in American Letters & Commentary, Court Green, Volt and Calaveras, among others.
Nico Vassilakis uses the TypeDrawing app for iPod to create some of his recent work. These pieces are part of the larger series, "iPoem Compositions." He, along with Crag Hill, will publish The Last Vispo Anthology in Fall 2012. More samples of his work can be seen at
Mark Young is a New Zealander who has lived in Australia for most of his life. He has been published in many places in many countries, and his work has been translated into several languages. His most recent books are some Geographies (Argotist Ebooks, 2010), At Trotsky's Funeral (Kilmog Press, 2010), and Geographies (Dysphasia Press, 2011). He is the editor of the print and online journal Otoliths.
Online Review Vol. VII, No. II December 2011
Chad Lietz & J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Prose Editor Corey Johnson
Associate Editor Jeffrey
Online Review is published twice yearly by Erg
Copyright � 2011
by Cricket Online Review/Erg
Rights revert to authors upon publication
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