Row Under Rivers
battle ling of tapping heavy vibro landy body we are dark
heavy remote. A part of the museum is runaway sending power.
now the shape of heaviness plunged for breath they eat down
the tapping top of the switch under shot of haze.
perturbance man in the doorway you know to stand across the
aisle from gift right heritage. Bother you know the right
words slam to hurt and chunk of table. Removed from reality
people face no new concerns only take in transit of polite
heaven ------ no mind or matter in usage. They bother to stand
the dram on end.
dog of Bantu sunhouse is bathing for a night. Left from the
night before is a giant urn of water is would dispel
everything by numerous taste. You can't own up to knowing or
for the dance of bright intra speculation. No dagger
susceptible plunge mark is wont, location for vag.
daytime wondering will day of glow and purpose to detain the
bomp guss will underlay the certainty ------ museum in a
bottle and the cork is plunged in the startled neck or the
belly of the bottle is gas floating and waves of tiny colors
appearing out of lines and fractions -----
many noble doves have lifted the roof off the operation, the
banister to the stairs winds high enough to circle out of
sight. The tapping under finish is a story we bend and flipper
the decent. Bent over in the fashion of the guitar the old man
finished his decay. And this leads us further into the
nomadacy future, small obstacles fled from the graven pathhold
------ any worry has worked beneath the speech and
conversation in the avant garde country ----- optical knowing
will take the form of construction making things to produce
energy ----- the obelisk to drive the space transport moveable
space, transference to depend on touch or vehicle of
suppression. One two hold upto the light a turned out document
or a suitcase full of writing. Any old man in his piss wrecked
room writing for years in the ancient, the museum stands built
in our front yard & the neighbors have abandoned their
houses & fled for near cities. Retired from art he said to
me before YOU lose the shaking & venture of spiriti that
bottles your gelatin world. I looked at him he shouldn't stand
so close to me when he says that, my world you
know. Private or I speak as lenient boy
always harmed or never understood why they are ranting my
eyes. World vision pro teaming bodies are the league of mental
distaste, the dogs are eating from the table, chew bone &
lick their bodies hollow & I am beating for difference.
What you see. Down decent reminders are walking hence &
amid the dog they rip & shuttle toward gaining speed
gaining mention & behavior in spheres of the automatic
world learnings. I am told that there is no comparison with
many of the subtle species that we have yet to experience,
& in fact don't know where the patience of mind had
bandied the restless body.
at it tomorrow lying in virtual cold sun.
To be
told what to hear, she sidled up next man's body & gave
him the lonely job of hurtling crest & leaning against the
sinking museum. I trust the that patients have left
collaboration, what are they chiming about & who do they
acquire skills from, gong of simple actions, manner, manner
that I am toasting this occasion all along.
Advance //