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..:: CONTENTS ::..
   Volume IV, Issue II

..:: POETRY ::..

..:: PROSE ::..
..:: ETC ::..
   Contributor's Notes

..:: ARCHIVES ::..
   Volume I, Issue I
   Volume I, Issue II
   Volume II, Issue I
   Volume II, Issue II
   Volume III, Issue I
   Volume III, Issue II
   Volume IV, Issue I

Erik Anderson's poems and reviews have appeared in American Letters & Commentary, Sleeping Fish, The Recluse, Rain Taxi, CAB/NET, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Parcel and others. He is contributing poetry editor at the Denver Quarterly and edits the mail-art magazine Thuggery & Grace.

Arlene Ang serves as a poetry editor for The Pedestal Magazine and Press 1. Her books and chapbooks include The Desecration of Doves (2005), Secret Love Poems (Rubicon Press, 2007) and Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (Texture Press, 2008), co-written with Valerie Fox. She lives in Spinea, Italy. More of her writing is available at

Julia Bloch's new chapbook, Sonnets, is forthcoming from Katalanch� Press. She received an MFA from Mills College and is now a Benjamin Franklin Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is writing a dissertation on postwar American poetry and co-curates the Emergency reading series. Her poetry has appeared recently in Cue, Women's Studies Quarterly and Sidebrow.

A compound eye may consist of thousands of individual photoreception units. The image perceived is a combination of inputs from the numerous ommatidia (individual "eye units"), which are located on a convex surface, thus pointing in slightly different directions. This, for Jorge Boehringer, results in a specific type of focus, in which multiple systems of polymathic pursuits are allowed to progress at their own rates, attaining, as such, a unified, rather than fractured, perspective, though a perspective different from that enjoyed by our ancestors—human and otherwise. Boehringer is active foremost as a composer. Samples of his sound work are accessible online by searching his name or "Core of the Coalman." He lives presently in Prague.

Randall Brown teaches at Saint Joseph's University. He holds an MFA from Vermont College. Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cream City Review, Hunger Mountain, Connecticut Review, Saint Ann's Review, Evansville Review, Laurel Review, Dalhousie Review, upstreet and others. He is the author of the award-winning collection Mad to Live (Flume Press, 2008) and will have an essay on (very) short fiction in the forthcoming anthology The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction: Tips from Editors, Teachers, and Writers in the Field (Rose Metal Press, 2009). He serves as an editor with SmokeLong Quarterly.

Skip Fox lives and teaches in southern Louisiana. He has published  chapbooks of poetry and three texts of multi-genre work in a series tentatively titled Dream of a Book: What Of, At That and For To. The fourth, Delta Blues, is scheduled for Spring 2009 release from Ahadada Books.

Clinton Frakes appears in Best New Poets of 2008 (Meridian Press). In 2006, he received the James Vaughan and the Peggy Ferris awards for poetry. His recent work appears in Bamboo Ridge, Bottle of Smoke, Cause and Effect and Language and Culture. His chapbook, Unreal Cities, is forthcoming from Trainwreck Press. He is the former chief editor of Hawaii Review and Big Rain.

S. Jason Fraley works as an investment advisor and compliance officer in Columbus, Ohio. In his spare time, he is an argyle sock. His work has appeared in Forklift Ohio, 42opus, The Hat, Pebble Lake Review, Caketrain and Fifth Wednesday Journal. His mini e-chap, Apropos of Nothing, is available through Gold Wake Press.

Tom Hibbard has recently published a collection of poems titled Place of Uncertainty, available online at Otoliths Storefront. A review of a brief Jacques Derrida book is scheduled for the upcoming issue of Word for/Word, and a review of Amiri Baraka's Somebody Blew Up America appears in the fifth issue of Crayon. A long essay titled "Linear/Nonlinear" can be read online in the archives of Big Bridge.

paul kavanagh is a friend of the (brothers).

Travis Macdonald was recently laid off from his copywriting job. When not waiting patiently in breadlines, he searches the streets of Denver, Colo. for gainful employment. His work has appeared previously in Bombay Gin, Hot Whiskey, American Drivel Review, Matter and elsewhere. His first book-length work, The O Mission Repo, is available from Fact-Simile Editions (

Teresa K. Miller is the author of Forever No Lo (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2008). Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in DIAGRAM, Word/For Word, Coconut, MiPOesias, ZYZZYVA, Columbia Poetry Review and others. Originally from Seattle, she is a 2008 Oakland Teaching Fellow.

Matt Shears was born and raised in Ohio, and in the past few years has resided in any of five different Western States. He holds graduate degrees from the University of Iowa and the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, and is teaching at California College of the Arts. He currently resides in Oakland, Calif. with his partner, fiction writer Aimee Phan, their daughter-to-be, and their three mercurial cats.

Patrick Stuart is a designer in Central Ohio with an architectural degree and half an unfinished English degree. He has placed in national architectural competitions—including a recent 3rd place showing in the tongue-in-cheek Back-of-the-Envelope Bush Presidential Library Competition, sponsored by The Chronicle of Higher Education—but has yet to be published. A number of stories and a book are currently skittering across desks of agents and editorial provocateurs. He now spends his time double spacing his sentences and writing about himself in the third person.



Skip Fox's poem appears in Delta Blues, forthcoming from Ahadada Books, 2009.

Travis Macdonald's poems first appeared in The O Mission Repo, published by Fact-Simile Editions; reprinted with the author's permission.

Teresa K. Miller's poems first appeared in her chapbook, Forever No Lo, published by Tarpaulin Sky Press; reprinted with the author's permission.


Cricket Online Review Vol. IV, No. II December 2008

Editors     Chad Lietz & J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Prose Editor     Corey Johnson
Associate Editor     Jeffrey Schrader

Cricket Online Review is published twice yearly by Erg
Copyright � 200
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Rights revert to authors upon publication


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