Volume VII, Issue I
..:: POETRY ::..
..:: PROSE ::..
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
Volume II, Issue II
Volume III, Issue I
Volume III, Issue II
Volume IV, Issue I
Volume IV, Issue II
Volume V, Issue I
Volume V, Issue II
Volume VI, Issue I
Volume VI, Issue II
Nobody for President
Kyle Vaughn
Here's the danger of making
a cloud an absolute: something
not stone collapses in wind.
We fold and rot immediately,
pale heads vanishing under dirt.
The air between trees, bodied enough
to raise a sickle moon,
is the only one able
to give citizenship to the light.
The sky can't be unbroken with
hands that pass deaf waters.
It is hard to accept
the sovereignty of rivers.
But there stands a human
making speeches in the flood,
mouth full of raindrops
lessened into blades.
Here, among water's roar,
some voice
is mistaken for many.
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