Get in the swim scroll-down pop-up restaurant alliances better tired than bored. There had been
some apprehension about global development buds in white
crystals the food place settings drop down menu send your compliments to the chef some
people were on –the-run from the arbitration panel in mellifluous
five inch platform high heals some poor things running to be hunted chassed by bankers in furry
coats spring breakfast in the oven
echo's of remembered addresses gemutlich in an abandoned office space but still it snows
mais oui c'est vraiment peut etre you can hear the loud sadness of Judy Garland
toward the climax of an old TV show mystery cartoon stuck here like a silver balloon.
They were not interested in specific hedge funds in need of tweaks lingering over late
lobster under maximum security dusting-on eye shadow for profit-driven behavior
website of trite observations and skimpy innuendo.
there's always maybe now maybe later a lot of Irish songs people haven't heard
but always something someone melting into summer securities either fair or unfair
divide and conquer personal promise creative crazed everyone was a stranger
alarms camera-action call the President gulls presenting themselves for bread SAT
scores sneakers, the snow is losing its sculpted self and daffodils replace the space up in
the pine start by (you can plane crash so vulnerable so trusting grass she was style
geo-politics on the rise break the door down arbitration or you can shut up alone Being Here
she wrote snow speak last your now blank sky let's languish oh come
away with me and wear your black beret me boys gracious gulls under a blue green spring sky
blue hegemony unconventional artichokes ja ich bin ein American 'l'
if you choose to be unaware passive mirror motivate didn't want her that pioneer
it's too late for how to succeed or rare commodities crimp my style
communication party passage a natural fit inner being no one went to
as if on on the run. deliberate tape delay manipulation.