Adam Benforado is a Frank Knox Fellow
with the Cambridge Faculty of Law. His work has appeared
in an eclectic mix of publications, from the Baltimore Sun to
the Emory Law Journal to Crustaceana. He is currently
editing his first novel.
Bernstein's most recent book is Shadowtime,
a libretto, written for composer Brian Ferneyhough. He teaches
at the University of Pennsylvania. More info at his weblog
at the Electronic Poetry Center.
Martha Clarkson designs corporate interiors in Seattle. She
is a graduate of University of Oregon and writes both
fiction and poetry. Her work can be found in Seattle
Review, pindledyboz,, and forthcoming
in Nimrod.
is author of iduna (O Books, 2003), a
day in the life of p. (subpress collective,
2002), a
diary of lies� Belladonna #27 (Belladonna
Books, 2002), and post/(pink)
(Scarlet Press, 2000). edwards� work can also be
found in Scribner�s The
Best American Poetry 2004, Civil
Disobediences: Poetics and Politics in Action
(Coffee House Press, 2004), Biting
the Error: writers explore narrative (Coach
House, 2004), and Bisexuality
and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others
(Hawoth Presss, Inc., 2004). kari can always be contacted at: [email protected].
Harrison Horton
is author of Pete Hoffman Days (Pinball, 2003). His work has
recently appeared or is forthcoming in Denver Quarterly, Five Fingers Review, 580 Split and
Pom2. He currently lives and writes in Beijing, China. [email protected].
is a writer and translator currently based in Seattle. Work
has recently appeared (or is forthcoming) in Prague
Literary Review, Circumference, Poetry Salzburg Review
and others.
Recent translations (into English) include Helicopter
Hysteria by Heinrich Dubel, selected work
from Austrian author Peter Pessl, including his book of short
stories, Aquamarine
(Twisted Spoon), and (into German) Jeff Tweedy�s Adult
Head (Lautsprecher Press, Stuttgart). Two new
collections are forthcoming later this year from Horse Less
Press (Providence) and Lautsprecher Press.
runs Small Fires Press (
& is currently working on a postcard-poem manuscript with
cohort Airen McNally.
Seoul Kim
is a recent Michener Fellow and 2005 graduate of the MFA
program at the University of Texas, Austin. Forthcoming poems
will appear in The
Seattle Review, Sulphur River Literary
Review, and Cranky.
Previous work has been published in The Briar Cliff Review and New
York Stories Magazine. Yung recently
completed a first book of poetry entitled Internal
Wild. Born in Seoul, she is a former resident
of Manhattan, Paris, and London. She lives in Los Angeles.
Scott Moffett is a professor of English at the
Community College of Southern Nevada and associate editor of Red
Rock Review. As a writer or editor, he has published two
books, an anthology, a textbook, and a few poems and
stories. He lives in Las Vegas with his wife and his daughter
who is becoming more of a genius every day.
Sundin Richards has been the recipient of several
attentions for his poems. He is a construction worker, living
in Salt Lake City.
Jeremy James
published works include Stupid Paper Book
(Stupid Books), Knuckles (Mister Mr.
Publications), and Junk as a Series of
Misunderstandings (a Press is a Press). He was born
in Los Angeles, CA, and now resides in Oakland, CA, where he
is pursuing his Masters at Mills College.
Tilson, a 52- year-old school teacher of seventh grade
language arts in Tampa, turned to Macromedia Flash to present
information to students in a more interesting format. These
cycling mandalas represent a synthesis combining animating
techniques and realization of the cyclic nature of education
and the learning experience.
Online Review Vol. I, No. II August 2005
Bernstein's "The Bricklayer's Arms" first appeared
in Rattapallax #11. Reprinted with the author's
Cover art by Wesley Tilson
Online Review
Chad Lietz & J.D. Mitchell
Managing Editor Jeff Sturm
Prose Editor Corey Johnson
Poetry Editor J. Mara Goldberg
Online Review is published twice yearly by Green Man
Press, Iowa.
Copyright � 2005 by Cricket Online Review/Green Man
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