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..:: CONTENTS ::..
   Volume V, Issue I

..:: POETRY ::..

..:: PROSE ::..
..:: OTHER ::..

..:: ETC ::..
   Contributor's Notes

..:: ARCHIVES ::..
   Volume I, Issue I
   Volume I, Issue II
   Volume II, Issue I
   Volume II, Issue II
   Volume III, Issue I
   Volume III, Issue II
   Volume IV, Issue I
   Volume IV, Issue II


Currently living in Antibes, on the French Riviera, Thierry Brunet created Nova Cookie & Frozen Hell, an experimental journal publishing only very short stories in 6 words. His poems and illustrated texts appear or are forthcoming in Cricket Online Review, Mathematical Poetry, Word For/ Word, Textimagepoem, WORK, and Venereal Kittens. Winner of the 2008 Aunia Kahn Creative Writing Contest, Brunet has an avant poetry chapbook, Codex Beauty, available from BlazeVOX. His first full-length collection, Waste, was just released by and is now also available from BlazeVOX and Amazon.

David-Baptiste Chirot lives in Milwaukee, Wisc. He administers Nos Obras Otros and blogs at

Glenn R. Frantz lives in Pennsylvania (state bird: ruffed grouse). His poetry appears in several online publications, including Great Works, Sawbuck, Otoliths, Shadowtrain, and 3by3by3.

Joseph Harrington is the author of Poetry and the Public (Wesleyan). His creative work appears in Tarpaulin Sky, First Intensity, With + Stand, etc. Other excerpts of Things Come On (an amneoir) are forthcoming in Hotel Amerika and P-Queue. He teaches at the University of Kansas (Lawrence).

Lindsay Hunter lives in Chicago. His work has previously been published in Nerve, MAKE, Thieves Jargon, Smokelong Quarterly, elimae, Featherproof, and Hobart, among others.

Geof Huth is a poet who works words in many media: bits, condensation, crayon, frost, object, paint, pen, pencil, pixel, pollen, sound, type, and video. He writes almost daily on visual poetry and related matters at his blog, dbqp: visualizing poetics. His most recent books of poetry are Longfellow Memoranda, texistence, a book / of poems / so small / I cannot / taste them, and ENDEMIC BATTLE COLLAGE.

Colin James was born in England but lives in Massachusetts. He works in Energy Conservation. Some of his poems appear in Waterlogged August, Sage Trail and 88. He is a member of The Brothers Of The Endemic and a great admirer of the Scottish landscape painter, John Mackenzie.

Individual entries on Richard Kostelanetz appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Reader's Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster's Dictionary of American Authors, HarperCollins Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature, and Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. Otherwise, he survives in New York, where he was born, unemployed and thus overworked.

J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden lives in Oakland, Calif. His play, Moon Room 53A621.35, premieres under the direction of Eric Graves at the Kansas City Fringe Festival in July.

William Moor lives in Alameda, Calif.

Stephen Ratcliffe's REAL, 474 pages written in 474 consecutive days, was published by Avenue B in 2007. Two more recent manuscripts, CLOUD / RIDGE (also 474 pages) and HUMAN / NATURE (1,000 pages), appear in /ubu editions' "Publishing the Unpublishable" series. The complete (14-hour) reading/performance of HUMAN / NATURE at the University of California-Davis is available at PennSound. Previous books include Portraits & Repetition (The Post-Apollo Press, 2002) and SOUND/ (system) (Green Integer, 2002). His book on offstage action in Hamlet (Reading the Unseen / (Offstage) Hamlet) is forthcoming from Counterpath this fall. He lives in Bolinas, Calif. and teaches at Mills College in Oakland.

James Sanders is the member of the Atlanta Poets Group with the largest shoe size. Among other projects, APG publishes a sound poetry magazine at Sanders' work in this issue was composed by manipulating a handheld recorder and speech-to-text software in a variety of different ways. His book, Goodbye Public and Private, was recently published by BlazeVox.

If we call Jeffrey Schrader a memorial it has to provide a confluence for the past and the future, because cycles suggest that something happens or that nothing happens. Schrader would like everyone to build it all together with a shared integrity. Recent work has appeared in Xerox- or Canon-produced publications and on the Internet.

deNNis M. SOmeRA writes pokin'wordsPlay/brokenSwordplay/blokeanswerveplywood on the page w/a pinch/punch of performance art collaboratio{s}oughthepage. Some of tHis worksplay is online at Digital Artifact, Deep Oakland, 2ndAvenuePoetry, Cricket Online Review (Volume II, No. I) and off in POMPOM, Bay Poetics, Chain and Tinfish.

Lee Stern lives in Los Angeles. He still holds on in this economy as the manager of a Lincoln Towncar service. Check in with him in six months, though, to verify. Stern is presently at work on a collection.

Gail Tarantino's apparent not-so-secret desire to be literary has snuck into her work as a visual artist. Her love of the rhythmic and musical aspects of language is woven into compressed narratives and distilled descriptions. She lives and works in Emeryville, Calif.

Jeremy James Thompson is an instructor at New York's Center for Book Arts as well as a curator for their Text/Form Reading Series. His work focuses on the process of collaboration, the reinvention of propaganda, and the defining of a practical avant-garde. He runs Autotypes Press.

Sarah Trott is the author of Planned (There Press, 2009). Her work appears in Shampoo, Watchword, and Cricket Online Review, among others. She teaches high school in Richmond, Calif. and lives in San Francisco.

Andrew Topel was asked to be brief.


Cricket Online Review Vol. V, No. I July 2009

Editors     Chad Lietz & J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Prose Editor     Corey Johnson
Associate Editor     Jeffrey Schrader

Cricket Online Review is published twice yearly by Erg
Copyright � 200
9 by Cricket Online Review/Erg
Rights revert to authors upon publication


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