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..:: CONTENTS ::..
   Volume V, Issue I

..:: POETRY ::..

..:: PROSE ::..
..:: OTHER ::..

..:: ETC ::..
   Contributor's Notes

..:: ARCHIVES ::..
   Volume I, Issue I
   Volume I, Issue II
   Volume II, Issue I
   Volume II, Issue II
   Volume III, Issue I
   Volume III, Issue II
   Volume IV, Issue I
   Volume IV, Issue II


Dennis Somera


"The power of population is so superior to
the power of the earth to produce subsis-
tence for man, that premature death must
in some shape of other visit the human
race.  The vices of mankind are active and
able ministers of depopulation."

                                                                   Thomas Robert Malthus

so that's a no on(e) birth control i take it�

di d oubting say vices of man fucking or to be kind(er gentler
pour more lube on the thing that drives the fire will we rise
from our long doormat s ee (wel)come on in some other crea-
tures using us as fuel for their (monkey setting himself on fire
is defined as�) chimpmolation---own, we've got to own our
i'mmolation our deforestation would if we don't call it molesta-
tion there's no time to shun touch or maintain station i've wasted
so many chances to grasp at hips grinding fingers double digging
to drop seed we've no time to nurture no futura in it i don't give a car
e nough jus t hat old its ecstati c ould you at least sing with me
accompany m e nd to the if we're going out like tha t hen coming
home to rooster wit h is head cutoff let's go ecstatic be ecstatic
be be e ecstatic bee ecstatic birds and be e cstatic iz my exit
strateg y ours what's i t h e nd to you anywayz but ovuh lend me
yer ovum n maybe you'll be the beginning be be the beginning
of the nest egg the next brood and if there's no time for tha t hen
what a way to sharin g o to no chagrine vibrate go shake love to
me go i wan t feel you inside me like a song of the universe when
we g O M y god meet yer maker's mark if that what i t akes butt let
go let's g o o h that's it sistahhhummm�.


//   Advance   //