Volume VIII, Issue I
..:: POETRY ::..
Eric Weiskott
Loretta Clodfelter
Adam Fieled
RC Miller
David Harrison Horton
..:: PROSE ::..
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
Volume II, Issue II
Volume III, Issue I
Volume III, Issue II
Volume IV, Issue I
Volume IV, Issue II
Volume V, Issue I
Volume V, Issue II
Volume VI, Issue I
Volume VI, Issue II
Volume VII, Issue I
Blindfold / Raindrop
Glenn R. Frantz
the view through a blindfold to clouds of sight
where long lines of brilliant light were doing
the cover assumed by this blindfold is the next blindfold
I don't know what I recognized
a smile under this blindfold nodded
where peculiar seeds are made to bed
the sleepy bushes listening to its dark breathing
gusts that billow round the blindfolds corners trembled
I never thought of how the blindfold of the riverside
stopped the cellar
the blindfold falls and washed all pictures
from the blindfold of illuminated London
hotels have little racks of them
any members of any one can do
the view through a raindrop to clouds of sight
where long lines of brilliant light were doing
the cover assumed by this raindrop is the next raindrop
I don't know what I recognized
a smile under this raindrop nodded
where peculiar seeds are made to bed
the sleepy bushes listening to its dark breathing
gusts that billow round the raindrops corners trembled
I never thought of how the raindrop of the riverside
stopped the cellar
the raindrop falls and washed all pictures
from the raindrop of illuminated London
hotels have little racks of them
any members of any one can do
Advance //