Volume VIII, Issue II
..:: POETRY ::..
..:: PROSE ::..
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
Volume II, Issue II
Volume III, Issue I
Volume III, Issue II
Volume IV, Issue I
Volume IV, Issue II
Volume V, Issue I
Volume V, Issue II
Volume VI, Issue I
Volume VI, Issue II
Volume VII, Issue I
Volume VII, Issue II
Volume VIII, Issue I
Blame Fault Mountain
Spencer Selby
Ultimately include the worsened folks to pause at bedrock
chamber. Manic by dawn will hit sharp caring walls, lock their
evil alone and teach boys to fill mouth with boulders and a full
employment display. Behind each slab that premature move
freakish in withered night grip spreads freely until some clown
begins signaling bodies in attendance that with or without pain
there will come time to perish during great narrative
phenomena. Often victims separate from conditions so odd that
a picnic on the Richter scale seems commonplace. Imagine
yourself captured in oil and clay, whose dream is simply an
episode of somnambulistic parents. Imagine now swoon
obscurity outrage and voila! you have written the best curse
available for travel to the stars.
Advance //