Andrew Abbott paints and lives in Maine and Spain.
Darrin Albert is a previously published author. He has a master's in psychology. He also has education in creative writing, music, and acting. He is in a band with his identical twin brother called "Jack Outside the Box." Having Asperger's Syndrome himself, he is also an advocate for mental health issues. He lives in Fargo, ND.
mIEKAL aND is the author of numerous books, many available via Xexoxial Editions. After many years working in the realms of digital poetry and video, he has surrendered his role as author and focused exclusively on interactions that allow the author to be reconfigured by the mysteries of the collaborative process, including books with Maria Damon, Sheila Murphy, Geof Huth and now Robin F. Brox.
John M. Bennett has published over 400 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials. Recent titles include The Gnat's Window (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012), BLOCK (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012), Cuitlacochtli (Xexoxial Editions, 2012), Object Objet (with Nicolas Carras; Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012), Drilling for Suit Mystery (with Matthew Stolte; Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012), LIBER X (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012) and CaraaraC & El T'tulo Invisible (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2012). He has published, exhibited and performed his word art worldwide in thousands of publications and venues. He was editor and publisher of Lost and Found Times (1975-2005), and is Curator of the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State University Libraries. Richard Kostelanetz has called him "the seminal American poet of my generation." His work, publications and papers are collected in several major institutions, including Washington University (St. Louis), SUNY-Buffalo, The Ohio State University, The Museum of Modern Art and other major libraries.
Trevor Calvert is a poet and librarian living in California's East Bay, where he co-edits Spooky Actions Books. His work has been anthologized in Bay Poetics (Faux Press) and Involuntary Vision: After Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (Avenue B). Some of his poems can also be found online at Quarter After, BlazeVOX, Featherboard, Mrs Maybe and Wunderkammer. His book Rarer and More Wonderful (Scrambler Books, 2008) was a finalist in the poetry category for the 2009 Northern California Independent Booksellers Association (NCIBA) Book of the Year.
Darren Demaree's poems have appeared or are scheduled to appear in numerous magazines/journals, including The South Carolina Review, Meridian, The Louisville Review, Cottonwood, The Tribeca Poetry Review and Whiskey Island. His collections As We Refer To Our Bodies (2013) and Not For Art Nor Prayer (2014) are forthcoming from 8th House Publishing House. Demaree—recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations—currently lives and writes in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children.
Bill DiMichele has created visual poetry since +/-1976, creating type-overs on an old Smith Corona typewriter. He moved from Penn. to Calif. in 1980 and began working with Crag Hill, publishing SCORE, a magazine of visual poetry. He has performed in various venues and in numerous modes—sound poetry, experimental music, etc. DiMichele has published in countless mags, chapbooks and as many alternative forms of publishing as is possible.
Samantha Duncan is the author of the chapbook Moon Law (Wild Age Press, 2012), and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Vector Magazine, The Bakery and Dressing Room Poetry Journal, among others. She lives in Houston, Tex. and occasionally blogs at
Raymond Farr is author of Ecstatic/.of facts (Otoliths, 2011), There Is Something Missing in the Whole Transaction between Us (Blue & Yellow Dog Press, 2012), as well as two echaps: chainge (Chalk Editions, 2011) and Two Texts (Chalk Editions, 2010). He is editor of Blue & Yellow Dog.
Mark Goodwin is a poet-sound-artist whose work can be heard here: Mark presently works to raise awareness of a developing literary artform provisionally called "digitally produced sound-&-poetry," and he moderates the SoundCloud group air to hear, which collects sound-enhanced poetry from around the world. He has also just won a substantial Arts Council England Grants for the Arts to develop his audio practice. His publishers are: Longbarrow Press, Knives Forks & Spoons Press, Nine Arches Press and Shearsman Books. Mark lives in Leicestershire, where he works as a community poet.
Mitchell Krochmalnik Grabois was born in the Bronx and now lives in Denver, Colo. His short fiction, poetry and vignettes appear or will appear in close to one hundred literary magazines, including, most recently, The T.J. Eckleberg Review, The Examined Life, Memoir Journal, Out of Our and The Blue Hour. His novel Two-Headed Dog, published by Xavier Vargas E-ditions, is available for all e-readers for 99 cents through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords (which also provides downloads to PCs).
Damian Ward Hey is co-founder and editor in chief of and/or, an international print journal of experimental writing and graphic art. He is also the executive editor of Ars Omnia Press. His work has appeared, most recently, in Truck, Danse Macabre and Blaze Vox. A few more poems will appear in the next issue of Poetry Pacific.
Raud Kennedy is a writer and dog trainer. His most recent work is Gnawing the Bone, a collection of dog fiction. To learn more, visit his website,
Phil Kostov is a prospector of many socks in a small room with two cats and 99 bodies of bedbugs on the wall. He lives in Chicago where he may be seen rummaging through the garbage or decrusting Uncrustables or walking his cats.
William Moor is from Tempe, Ariz. His work has appeared in Boog City, Cricket Online Review, Fold Magazine, Sorry For Snake and Shampoo. His book Birds of Arizona is available from Deep Kiss Press. He currently lives in Alameda, Calif. with his wife Amy. Moor's pieces in this issue are from an 11-song cycle recorded during 2004-2005 using early desktop production tools like Microsoft's Sound Recorder which restricts each track to one minute (oddly, that's also the maximum amount of time needed to record anything). The cycle complements another piece, "The Notley Poems," comprised of a digital photograph of each page of the descent of alette. However, in the wake of an unfortunate computer failure following the completion of both works, only "Wah Songs" survives.
Sheila E. Murphy has established a strong reputation as a poet and visual poet. A winner of the Gertrude Stein Award (Sun & Moon Press, 2001), Murphy has authored 29 books of poetry and additional titles of visual poetry. She is principal of the consulting firm Executive Advisement, LLC, specializing in Performance Management for private, public and nonprofits entities worldwide. Murphy has lived in Phoenix, Ariz. all of her adult life.
J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words and sound in his subterranean laboratory. More than 1,000 of his bizarre poems and experimental texts have appeared in many small press and underground publications. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Cinderella City (The Red Ceilings Press, 2012), Piso Mojado (Argotist Ebooks, 2012) and When the Sea Dies (NAP, 2011). Visit for more information and links to his published work. His audio experiments (recorded under the name Owl Brain Atlas) are online at Nelson lives in Colo.
Ujjal Nihil's work has appeared in Blackbox Manifold, elimae, Abjective, among other journals. He lives in Calcutta, India.
Tony Rickaby's conceptual works, installations and paintings have been shown throughout Europe and the U.S. His current practice concerns historical and autobiographical reflections on parts of South London, where he lives. He has written for Anderbo, Aspidistra, Athregeum, Dark Sky, Streetcake, Word Riot, Young, Fresh and Relevant and produced animations and visual poems for Counterexample Poetics, Drunken Boat, Locus Novus, Otholiths and Suss.
Spencer Selby has performed his work in many North American cities and in Europe. He is the author of nine poetry books, five visual compilations and two reference works on film noir. He currently lives in Ames, Iowa. Website:
Four-time Pushcart nominee Changming Yuan, 5-time Pushcart nominee and author of Chansons of a Chinaman (2009) and Landscaping (2013), holds a PhD in English, tutors, and co-publishes Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. (Poetry submissions welcome at [email protected].) Recently interviewed by PANK, Yuan has had poetry appear in Best Canadian Poetry (2009, 2012), BestNewPoemsOnline, Exquisite Corpse, London Magazine, Threepenny Review and more than 700 others across 27 countries.
Online Review Vol. IX, No. I July 2013
Chad Lietz & J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Prose Editor Corey Johnson
Associate Editor Jeffrey
Online Review is published twice yearly by Erg
Copyright � 2013
by Cricket Online Review/Erg
Rights revert to authors upon publication
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