a boy ( take it
easy he�s just ( as
a boy ( thought
all girls +good+ +magic+
this coupled
well with my corruptabilities,
named them sky,
imagined any moon
could shortly,
a sort of falling off in ( to go it knowing
averaging charm
one, but charm too hungers.
[I�ve checked
the Yes
box�they�re to send me
the latest
information on falcate and fringe]
dictionary and he had left it, a gift from
a dead friend,
on the back porch for two days
averaging rain.
Said it made the language grow and
gargoyle in the
sewer, chancellor, like the secret pain
of rats.
�is pretty ?
on the shore of the river, yestering
the blind
conductor in, an immersion, dictionary
thrown in the
Mississippi, probably in New Orleans
by now.
Now that the river knows how, now what?
River1 says,
If I can hold
ghosts, I can hold you. If
I can can ever,
I can can for
before it, and, kin, can you?
A boy ) just
kid ) you ) not.
Can you,
Forget-me-not, ever forgive me?
F-m-n answers
in the back of the book.
Back of the
can, cen, cin,
con, cun, cyn = (nice, nu, car, canny, con)
(2c+ , ) � a