..:: POETRY ::.. Adam Fieled Sarah Israel Johannes Finke Documents etc. do not balance out Hardcore angel Recording, Melancholy Dan Fisher from Fugue Report Jenny Gillespie Burn Personal Forest Thomas Hibbard KOURASAN BAD GUY RUBBLE Claudia Keelan Little Elegies (Vietnam) Little Elegies (cummingsworth) Little Elegies (Self and Other) David Krump The Nine Day Ricochet Backsling in the Hickories C(harm Tom Leonard suite On the Page Christopher Mulrooney Continental System Rochelle Ratner Date-a-Dog Jealous Lover Program Creator Is Indicted MUTT AND JEFF AT ALCATRAZ Testing California Inmate Seeks Release of Stuffed Dog Piggy Banks Dennis Somera Earl Lee s. alvation jane=Paterson's curse s.v. Paterson; sweet ana lack to es Pleas Stephanie Young UPPER MODERATION IN TWENTY DAYS I WILL BE THIRTY ..:: PROSE ::.. Douglas Cole Ghost Laura Davis Touched Mandy Kalish On the Fourth Pull William Moor Four Robot Recognitions ..:: REVIEWS ::.. Jeremy James Thompson Joan Retallack, Memnoir Sarah Trott Stephanie Young, Telling the Future Off Sara Wintz Various, lunapark 0,10 ..:: ETC ::.. Contributor's Notes Legals ..:: ARCHIVES ::.. Volume I, Issue I Volume I, Issue II Volume II, Issue I
sweet ana lack to es Dennis Somera
swee tan alas to es in n a plain sand; mak es gla s s� of milk s hak es mak es g a ss ac h es cramps lik e di g e s tin gla s s for go d s akes � aftermminahal � aftermminahal
swee tan alas to es in n a plain sand; mak es gla s s� of milk s hak es mak es g a ss ac h es cramps lik e di g e s tin gla s s for go d s akes
� aftermminahal
// Advance //