She's been putting the colonoscopy off for
three years, giving
one excuse after another. Fasting's not the issue. Enemas
the issue. It's the anesthesia. No, not even the anesthesia,
I.V. Years ago, they were willing to just give her a valium
tell her not to move. The doctor himself called her crazy, but
she even enjoyed watching the little black and green monitor.
Then he said he'd do the test without the anesthesia but not
without the I.V. Something might go wrong. Almost by chance
she found another place that used this new anesthesia that put
her completely out almost the second it pricked her and let
wake up feeling almost refreshed. Still, she waited, trying to
stall the next test. In the meantime that doctor moved to a
different facility and had no time for that gentleness she
remembered. As she was going under she heard some strange,
disgruntled murmurs. Some flunkie must have left the case
unlocked. Every single scope was gone.
Advance //