..:: CONTENTS ::..

..:: POETRY ::..
Adam Fieled
  Sarah Israel
Johannes Finke
  Documents etc. do not balance out
  Hardcore angel
  Recording, Melancholy
Dan Fisher
  from Fugue Report
Jenny Gillespie
  Personal Forest
Thomas Hibbard
Claudia Keelan
  Little Elegies (Vietnam) 
  Little Elegies (cummingsworth)
  Little Elegies (Self and Other)
David Krump
  The Nine Day Ricochet
  Backsling in the Hickories
Tom Leonard
  suite On the Page
Christopher Mulrooney
  Continental System
Rochelle Ratner
  Jealous Lover Program Creator Is Indicted
  California Inmate Seeks Release of Stuffed Dog
  Piggy Banks
Dennis Somera
  Earl Lee s. alvation jane=Paterson's curse s.v. Paterson;
  sweet ana lack to es
Stephanie Young

..:: PROSE ::..
Douglas Cole
Laura Davis
Mandy Kalish
  On the Fourth Pull
William Moor
  Four Robot Recognitions

..:: REVIEWS ::..
Jeremy James Thompson
  Joan Retallack, Memnoir
Sarah Trott
  Stephanie Young, Telling the Future Off
Sara Wintz
  Various, lunapark 0,10

..:: ETC ::..
  Contributor's Notes

..:: ARCHIVES ::..
  Volume I, Issue I
  Volume I, Issue II
  Volume II, Issue I


Continental System
Christopher Mulrooney


A silk hat on a Bradford millionaire.

Continental System

what does it want
it fancies

oh with a reader it might could read
a Landseer

it might go a touch or two
in a night need

if it could might recall the same


quarantine corral

the wild buckaroos and vaqueros linger
tracing and being traced
it is a golden opportunity
to have been backtracked into a firewall
and the cold city berefted


purple sage

if I could've taken into buildings
a tour party and seen into them
what've I seen that could compare
with those labels and memorabilia
exactly of an occupation force


dry gulch

those conundrums dictate you from above
into puddles hot night
and local fauna

the flora can only be imagined
with second sight


a little town

out of the craters rises this
a congeries or nunnery
of hopeless delectation

out of this symbiosis
a wayward westness

Ansel Adams would have burned into this
a memory or dodged a certain blankness


main street

also it would have seemed a stage set lit
against the night with expressions of mythic milk
in a medium range of stars
but for the ruin


the astonied look

what is this cartoon range of events
as in a storyboard
it goes up and comes down in all but name

the kiddie rides are down the street
that was once

a farmer registers the playground
bullies and background



one false move
and an accidental virtuosity
is forced upon us

out of the blue sky hills and all that
comes a parvenu street that's opposite
it is remaindered

questa commedia il duce
with the broad-brimmed brows

and at the back or center



how you arrive
dodging this and burned by that
or the other way around

pale ocher light
not without indications
and other signs

and here is the story
my story and yours

there once was a man


a tale that is told

wrecked the greed
you see

half-mast among the flags
of what remains

to Blarney Castle and environs



down away the sheltering palms
here's the ticket museum already

and you go on inside
there's the highway

away from whatever
that was



Luke the barn
they would say the impressionists

I met a fellow new at a gas station
in the South Bay
Arnold Schoenberg's spitting image

it's just a preserve
not very carefully preserved at all
that was a city

whether you think the barn was a new match
or quite impossibly slow
it went and goes they all go slow
and quick



I don't know any about you
that clinches it
one way or another

here she is comin' round the mountain
or gazing up at it



if I could arrange all that
in flowers and rows
at a certain price

if I could imagine all that
I would if any do that
you know

but if I blistered it
for sure
I couldn't remember
that's that


the last outpost

oh detonate it those skyrockets
let the bland �sthete in his comfortable position
recoil to a safer stand


coming and going

impermeable Mary so be it
so the moves parley and move
parley and move or not
as the case may be
in the comfortable handgrip
of good counsel


//   Advance   //