living in Antibes, on the French Riviera, Thierry Brunet
began to write some scripts for short-films when he was
working in Paris as an assistant director. He wrote
interviews of writers and rock musicians for Spike,
musical reviews in Chronic'art. His poems and
illustrated texts appear in well-known French journals La
page blanche, La revue x, T.A.P.I.N� In
January 2007 he created Nova Cookie and Frozen Hell, an
experimental journal editing only very short stories in 6
words, in any language.
Allen Clark lives in Morton, Mississippi, where he writes
poetry and short stories. His story here is all true: Clark had ancestors at the Bloody
Angle, but he despises ketchup. He has a passion for Classical
and Jazz music, especially Brubeck's "Take Five,"
and is also a history and art fanatic. What is life all about? Only the
art of Edward Hopper can tell.
There is not a single thing that v.e. either is or is not.
Eichert attends school, writes, asks questions, and does
laundry in Oakland, CA.
Frazer is the author of IMPROVISATIONS. His
collections of poetry include A Slick Set Of Wheels, Demon
Dance, Sing Me One Song Of Evolution, Free Fall,
Demolition Fedora and Amplitudes, IMPROVISATIONS
(BOOK 3). Frazer recently completed editing an anthology of
Post-Beat Generation Poetry that will be published in the
People's Republic of China in May 2007.
Jay Mohr is a very funny comedian and frequent guest on The
Opie and Anthony Show and The Ron and Fez Show, both on XM
Satellite Radio. Michael Frissore is a very sad man
whose other MySpace-obsessed writings can be found on Antithesis
Common and the current issue of The WRIToracle,
where he is a staff writer. He lives in Massachusetts.
Joel Haber was born and lives in Brooklyn, New York. He is
a sculptor, painter, book dealer and teacher who occasionally writes poetry and movie reviews. His work has been seen in
numerous group shows both in USA and Europe and he has had 9
one-man shows including several retrospectives of his
sculpture. His work is in collections of New York University,
the Guggenheim Museum, the Hirshhorn Museum and the
Albright-Knox Art Gallery. His paintings, drawings and collages have been published in many online magazines
including Rock Heals, Otoliths, Winamop, Melancholia's
Dreadlocks, and others. Over the years he has received
three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships, two
Pollock-Krasner grants and, most recently, in 2004, received
the Adolph Gottleib Foundation grant. Currently, he teaches
art at the United Federation of Teachers Retiree Program in
Harrison Horton is author of Pete Hoffman Days
(Pinball). His work has recently appeared in Five Fingers,
Femme Toupee, Alice Blue, and Red Hawk Review.
He lives and writes in Oakland, California. He can be reached at
[email protected].
paul kavanagh was born in england
1971. he is happy. his wife is happy. together they are happy.
K. Miller received her MFA from Mills College and
has taught English in the Peralta Community College District
and at Columbia College Chicago. Her work has appeared in ZYZZYVA,
Columbia Poetry Review , MiPOesias, Shampoo,
and others. As of May 13th, she is a full-time Seattleite.
Papaelias is an assistant professor of graphic design at
the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. Her Master's
thesis project,,
garnered attention from Communication Arts, Print,,
as well as Microsoft and Adobe. She received her Master of
Fine Arts from State University of New York at New Paltz and
Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies from McGill University in
Peerna's work resides at the crossroads of digital and
traditional media, often dealing with themes of emergence,
silence and simplicity. She has worked for the education
program at Dia Beacon and the Visual Thinking Strategies
project of the Soros Foundation. Peerna has had solo shows in
New York and in Tallinn, Estonia, her native country. Learn more about Peerna at
L. Perez's poems have appeared in various print and
on-line publications, including Watchword, Sacramento
News and Review (SN&R), and Ishmael Reed's Konch.
In 2005 Spuyten Duyvil published his experimental and
transgressive novel, The Evil Queen: A Pornolexicology
(making Dennis Cooper's top 10 list for that year). His
main literary influences are the Oulipo movement and his
dyslexia, which is quite severe.
Ratcliffe's most recent book is REAL (Avenue B,
2007). Previous books include Portraits & Repetition
(The Post-Apollo Press, 2002) and SOUND/(system) (Green
Integer, 2002). Listening to Reading, a collection of
essays on contemporary experimental poetry, was published by
SUNY Press in 2000. He lives in Bolinas, California and
teaches at Mills College in Oakland.
Sheheryar Badar Sheikh is finishing an MFA from the
University of Notre Dame. His thesis at ND, titled Far in
Lunar Glow, was a set of inter-referential short stories
based on the love triangle. "-struck Life" is one of
those stories. Sheheryar's work is forthcoming or has appeared
in Black Warrior Review, The New Orphic Review, 5_Trope,
Bewildering Stories and The Potomac. He is also
staff critic for
and Pakistan�s features haven, The Friday Times, for
which he has worked the last three years.
Stroffolino is the author of Stealer's Wheel, Light as a
Fetter (Situations, 97), Cusps (Aerial/Edge, 95), Oops
(Pavement Saw, 1994), and Incidents (Iniquity/Vendetta, 1991).
Most recently, Pieces of a Sequence became available on Faux Press
Westbrook is another concerned citizen of Oakland,
Wintz is the editor of the Pretty
Panicks Press. More poems are available at
She lives in Oakland, California.
editors thank Granary Books.
Online Review Vol. III, No. I May 2007
Chad Lietz & J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Prose Editor Corey Johnson
Online Review is published twice yearly by Erg.
Copyright � 2007 by Cricket Online Review/Erg
// Advance