..:: POETRY ::..
David H. Horton
5 Poems from Found Material Given by
Dan Godston
Sara Wintz
[Insurers, reinsur I saw...]
[(July 20, letter correspondence]
Wildfires; California
Footsteps. Movement.
[(One light on in the top window]
Thierry Brunet
Vernon Frazer
Delayed Deliverance Relayed
Chris Stroffolino
Condo Billboard Stand-Up Song Poem
Helpmate Manifesto
Benjamin Perez
massacre lite
Teresa K. Miller
from in, Still, mooring
[Lead dust in the leaden drawers]
[Set goal sets motion to motion]
[A want wants that belies wanting]
[Appearing in the man/time, the places]
Stephen Ratcliffe
..:: PROSE ::..
Sheheryar Badar Sheikh
-struck life
Michael Frissore
The Jay Mohr Hater
Chris Allen Clark
A Fight in the Bloody Angle While I Do
Paul Kavanagh
..:: OTHER ::..
Amy Papaelias & Jaanika Peerna
from Sonotype
[Character: W; Font: Amy; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: B; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: H; Font: Amy; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: H; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: Y; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Normal Voice]
[Character: I; Font: Amy; Style:
Happy Voice]
[Character: I; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Happy Voice]
[Character: I; Font: Amy; Style:
Angry Voice]
Ira Joel Haber
Collage 8
Collage 14
Collage 15a
Collage 23
Collage 24
Dillon Westbrook
..:: INTERVIEW ::..
Jacob Eichert/Chris Stroffolino
Interview with Chris Stroffolino,
August 06/January 07
..:: REVIEW ::..
J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Jackson Mac Low, Doings: Assorted
Performance Pieces, 1955-2002
Corey Johnson
Russell Edson, The Rooster�s Wife
Jeffrey Schrader
Stephen Ratcliffe, REAL
Chad Lietz
Benjamin L. Perez, The Evil Queen: A
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
II, Issue II
Delayed Deliverance Relayed
Vernon Frazer
factoid aggregate
vessel incarnate the pluming ledge
a vector in somnolent verdure
pondering rectified tutorial merging
obsolescent seductive retirements
converge appellant plumage thieves
rebound the consulate footage
reclaiming the rightfully that was others
to pledge realty oaths where looming
thunders vast ancestries of nugatory plunder
a water over the damned replies
arid wonderment at luminescent cacti
converge throttle slaughter ambulance
directives unfurled at the largo sweep
practical matters under the carping
labyrinthine molecule urges vested
under jackals making parcel sundries
whispered with momentary gleams
emit flume-caked necessities submitting
aching quandaries to subsequent
sector appliances correctly wound
a desperate alliance consequently vapid
its naked tributaries streaking fields
whereas apparatus polymers build
gestures equating status elms deride
evidentiary requirement purges
empathy for all sequesters called
by the soil of their lather brand hitches
nuptial wagons spreading to partners
garnered in lust abeyance suite as
ilk horns rather their way to preference
Advance //