..:: POETRY ::..
David H. Horton
5 Poems from Found Material Given by
Dan Godston
Sara Wintz
[Insurers, reinsur I saw...]
[(July 20, letter correspondence]
Wildfires; California
Footsteps. Movement.
[(One light on in the top window]
Thierry Brunet
Vernon Frazer
Delayed Deliverance Relayed
Chris Stroffolino
Condo Billboard Stand-Up Song Poem
Helpmate Manifesto
Benjamin Perez
massacre lite
Teresa K. Miller
from in, Still, mooring
[Lead dust in the leaden drawers]
[Set goal sets motion to motion]
[A want wants that belies wanting]
[Appearing in the man/time, the places]
Stephen Ratcliffe
..:: PROSE ::..
Sheheryar Badar Sheikh
-struck life
Michael Frissore
The Jay Mohr Hater
Chris Allen Clark
A Fight in the Bloody Angle While I Do
Paul Kavanagh
..:: OTHER ::..
Amy Papaelias & Jaanika Peerna
from Sonotype
[Character: W; Font: Amy; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: B; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: H; Font: Amy; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: H; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Angry Voice]
[Character: Y; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Normal Voice]
[Character: I; Font: Amy; Style:
Happy Voice]
[Character: I; Font: Jaanika; Style:
Happy Voice]
[Character: I; Font: Amy; Style:
Angry Voice]
Ira Joel Haber
Collage 8
Collage 14
Collage 15a
Collage 23
Collage 24
Dillon Westbrook
..:: INTERVIEW ::..
Jacob Eichert/Chris Stroffolino
Interview with Chris Stroffolino,
August 06/January 07
..:: REVIEW ::..
J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden
Jackson Mac Low, Doings: Assorted
Performance Pieces, 1955-2002
Corey Johnson
Russell Edson, The Rooster�s Wife
Jeffrey Schrader
Stephen Ratcliffe, REAL
Chad Lietz
Benjamin L. Perez, The Evil Queen: A
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
II, Issue II
Footsteps. Movement.
Sara Wintz
dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm
dhrm dhrm
dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm] A boy is lying in his bed [dhrm
dhrm dhrm dhrm
dhrm] looking out the window. Where he can see the [dhrm dhrm
dhrm] fire from his
house. "I am leaving tomorrow. I will take
pictures," he says. "The air is thick" [dhrm
dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm} "and I am watching the movement from
my room." "I am
leaving tomorrow. I will call you when I get there."
"I will leave a message if you don't"
[dhrm dhrm dhrm dhrm] "answer." "I am leaving
tomorrow. I will take pictures."
Advance //